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Showing posts from September, 2016


Today I learned from Sunday School, Talking about Worry about everything; bills, future, lost job, many issues in our life,etc.. God want us to look at the verse of 1 peter 5:7 said "Casting all our care upon him; for he careth for you." (KJV) Why do we worry about everything ? look at birds, another animals that God took care of them. WE are alike them, God will take care of us when we are in trouble. So, we need to casting our care upon him. Thank Lord for this beauitful message for people who are worry about everything.

Choose Life

Choose Life I have set before you life and death; ...Therefore choose life. Deuteronomy 30:19 "If God were to remove all evil from our world, it would mean that the essence of "humanness" would be destroyed. We would become robots. " - Billy Graham What does he mean by this? If God eliminated evil by programming us to perform only good acts, we would lose this distinguishing mark--the ability to make choices. We would not longer be free moral agents. We would be reduced to the status of robots. Let's take this a step further. Robot do not love. God created us with the capacity to love. Love is based upon one's right to choose to love. We cannot force others to love us. We can make them serve us or obey us. But true love is founded upon one's freedom to choose to respond. Give the choice, we would rather be responsible for our actions than be a robot without responsibility! Are you using your ability to make decisions wisely--and using i...

One Word That Will Change Your Life

The Power of One Word Set New Year's Resolution don't work! 50% of resolution -makers fail by the end of January and 9 out of 10 quit by March! So instead of resolutions, get One Word for the year... but be careful! It might just change you. If you have the "get-it-done" mindset like we do, you have done your fair share of goal-setting at the start of each New Year. However, as time goes by. We felt frustration as we fell short on our ambitious plans. We tried to do too much and as a result, we did not do anything well. In 1999, We started the simple discipline of developing a One Word theme for the upcoming year. That is right - One Word. Not a phrase or a statement., just a single word. By focus on just One Word, we have experienced incredible life-change year after year. When you discover your One Word for the year, it gives you more clarity, passion, and purpose for life. The One Word exercise brings simplicity and focus. It cuts through the d...