The Power of One Word
New Year's Resolution don't work!
50% of resolution -makers fail by the end of January and 9 out of 10 quit by March! So instead of resolutions, get One Word for the year... but be careful! It might just change you.
If you have the "get-it-done" mindset like we do, you have done your fair share of goal-setting at the start of each New Year. However, as time goes by. We felt frustration as we fell short on our ambitious plans. We tried to do too much and as a result, we did not do anything well.
In 1999, We started the simple discipline of developing a One Word theme for the upcoming year. That is right - One Word. Not a phrase or a statement., just a single word. By focus on just One Word, we have experienced incredible life-change year after year. When you discover your One Word for the year, it gives you more clarity, passion, and purpose for life.
The One Word exercise brings simplicity and focus. It cuts through the distractions and keeps us focused on what matters. It has stretched us in all areas: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, financially. God has transformed us through this exercise; God delights in life change.
There is a reason why we say, "Get One Word for the year...but be careful." As soon as you discover your name, the battle will begin. It will initiate a process of teaching, developing, refining, and molding. God will use your word as a light and a mirror-illuminating your path and revealing things that need to change. It facilitates a great journey of highs and lows all designed to make you into the person you created to be.
It has been our experience that God quickly reveals His plans for the year regarding your One Word. That word (be it a discipline, fruit of the Spirit, character trait, or attribute of God) will brand you for the year! So discover your One Word for the year and share it with others! It might just change your life!
1. What is God saying to you this past year?
2. What area does God want to take hold of in your life and use for His glory?
3. How does God want to position you for the upcoming year?
Psalm 27:1-14; Luke 18:22; Mark 10:21Overtime
"Dear Lord, I ask that you will make it a life-changing year. Reveal Yourself to me as You show me what my One Word theme will be. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I realize that it is a journey of learning not a task to accomplish. Strengthen me as I live out my One Word everyday. In Jesus 's name Amen."