The loss of employment or income is one of the most distressing events in life, especially for those supporting a family. Man or Woman facing unemployment, foreclosure or bankruptcy, there can be additional doubts about God's goodness and His promises to provide for His children. How are the people to react to these catastrophic life events? What Biblical principles can we apply to the loss of a home or a job and benefits.
Work is described in the Bible as beneficial in that it provides for our needs; Proverbs 14:23; Ecclesiastes 2:24, 3:13, 5:18-19 and gives us the resources to share with other in need Ephesians 4:28.
At the same time, it may not be possible to find a positioin equal in pay and status to the one that was lost. In these cases, Christian should not allow pride to keep them from taking jobs in other fields, even if it means lowered status or less pay, at least temporarily. We should lso be willing to accept help from other believers and our churches, perhaps in exchange for work that needs to be done in homes, yards, and church failities. Extending and accepting a "helping hand" in these times is a blessing to those who give and to those who receive and exhibits the "law of Christ," which is love for one another Galatians 6:2; John 13:34.
Similarly, even the loss of the family home through foreclosure or bankruptcy can be a time of blessing for the family, a time when parents and children "close ranks" and become more keenly aware of their love for one another and the important things in life-FAITH, FAMILY and COMMUNITY- and less focused on material things that have no eternal value and can disappear in a moment. God can also use these circumstances to remind us of the truth spoken by Jesus in Matthew 6:19-20 and refocus our hearts on heavenly treasure.
Above all, RENEWING our faith and trust in God's promises is of utmost importance during time of economy crisis. The "Way through" the trail, in which we learn of God's faithful provision as He walks by our side through the entire ordeal. When the time of testing is over, our faith will be strengthened, and we willl be able to strengthen others by bearing strong testimony to the faithfulness of our God.